Mysterious Aches and Pains: Understanding Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Mysterious Aches and Pains: Understanding Thoracic Outlet Syndrome October 10th, 2021 Do you suffer from Pain or Numbness in Your Arm and Hand? We will examine one of the possible causes, known as Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. It is a condition that causes pain in the neck, shoulders, and down the arm due to compressed nerves or blood […]

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Ankle Sprains: What You Need to Know

Ankle Sprains: What You Need to Know August 16th, 2021 The ligaments surrounding the ankle are surprisingly fragile. A seemingly harmless motion has the potential to cause serious sprains. Ankle ligaments are elastic structures that hold the ankle joint together to prevent (or minimize) excessive twisting and turning that can lead to injury. These ligaments […]

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Physical Therapy for Arthritic Joints

Physical Therapy for Arthritic Joints  June 7th, 2021 Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. This degenerative joint disease is a chronic condition characterized by the breakdown of joint cartilage, leading to bones rubbing against each other. Typically, it affects the ‘bigger’ joints in the body, like the hip, knee, shoulder, even the spine. […]

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