Injury Prevention 101 During the Winter

Injury Prevention 101 During the Winter

November 21st, 2014

If you are going to be lifting and moving things, shoveling snow or engaging in other forms of exercise, make sure to warm up and stretch before you begin. Start slowly and maintain the right posture as you increase the intensity of exercise over 10-15 minutes. Take short breaks and give your muscles and joints a chance to ‘adjust’ to the task. Your physical therapist will suggest that you use your knees rather than your lower back to lift heavy objects, avoid twisting movements and breath normally at all times.

Winter Injuries

Hold heavy objects close to the body to reduce strain on the lumbar spine. The feet should be kept wide apart to increase the base of support, and the knees must be slightly bent. Use your entire body to move objects rather than twisting your back. If you are shoveling snow, you must avoid twisting motions of the lower back such as throwing the snow over the shoulder behind you.


With the right combination of breathing, warm up and the correct technique, you can reduce the probability of injury significantly. If you have aches and pains that get worse during the winter, it may be time to see a physical therapist. Your therapist will assess your current activity levels and functional limitations. The therapist will discuss your short term and long term goals. All this information will be used to devise a plan of action to treat the underlying cause of pain as quickly as possible.


If you suffer from any ailments that worsen during the winter or suffer one during this season, book an appointment online!

Make An Appointment

Howard Ave

