Physical Therapy & Diabetes

Physical Therapy & Diabetes:

October 29th, 2014

Physical therapy helps prevent, treat and rehabilitate injuries. Here are a few benefits of physical therapy for patients with diabetes:Physical Therapist

  • Evaluation of the diabetic before starting an exercise program.
  • Education/instruction of the diabetic on do’s and don’ts.
  • Injury prevention awareness.
  • Rehabilitation after an injury.

Several techniques can be used by the physical therapist to promote healing and recovery of the affected limb. The sooner the therapist can assess the injury and initiate treatment, the better the outcome. Treatment techniques include:

  • Ultrasound to heal connective tissue (tendons and ligaments).
  • Skilled manual therapy including stretching and massage.
  • Resistance training to build muscle strength.
  • Cold compress for acute injuries and heat to relax muscular spasms.
  • Low-intensity laser therapy for muscle and connective tissue injuries.
  • Functional electrical stimulation is used to restore strength in the muscles.
  • The use of tape to support the muscles.

Looking to take control of your diabetes with the help of a physical therapist? Call any of our three locations or book an appointment online!

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Howard Ave

