Suffering from Shin Splints?

Suffering From Shin Splints?:

September 22nd, 2014

The shinbone or the tibia is the front surface of the lower leg. This part of the body is under constant stress and strain when we walk, jump and run.iStock_ankle3876141shinsplints

An overuse injury happens when a certain threshold of tolerance is crossed. This is a condition called shin splints. Intense pain occurs on the front, inside, outside and at times, the back of the lower leg. If left untreated, this pain can lead to stress fractures of the tibia. Shin splints occur due to damage and inflammation of the muscle tendons attached to the tendon. The pain can be rather unbearable, forcing individuals to take prolonged periods of rest to allow for the inflammation to heal. Physical therapy plays an important role in the treatment of shin splints.

Visit your physical therapist if:

  1. There is a lingering pain after exercising or physical activity. The pain does not subside after 3-4 days of resting and icing the joint or limb.
  2. There is a dull pain, which recurs with activity.
  3. Pain does not resolve with over the counter pain relief medication.
  4. The lower leg is swollen or shows signs of bruising after activities.

If you are suffering from shin splints contact us for an appointment!

Make An Appointment

Howard Ave

